A weather forecast with bash and other command line tools
I’ll let the script speak for itself, there is also a copy on github.
To install the packages needed do:
sudo apt install gmt gmt-gshhg-full cdo wget
Here are some examples of the possible outputs:
A gfs synoptic map.
A gfs synoptic map with temperature forecast.
# Written By Henno Havenga #
# GMT 5.4.3 #
# wget 1.19.2 #
# CDO 1.9.2 #
# NCEP/NOAA https://goo.gl/xP3X4L #
# SA Shapefile: Natural Earth #
# GPL Licence #
# This a simple program to make your own weather forecast using #
# publicly available Global Forecasting (GFS) data. The main programs #
# used include WGET to grab gfs data from the NCEP/NOAA server, #
# Climate Data Operators (CDO) to convert and modify the data where #
# needed and the main program used here is Generic Mapping Tools (GMT).#
# GMT is used to perform mathematical functions on the datasets and to #
# draw and plot the data over the desired area. All data and code is #
# free to use and share, however, absolutely no part of this script #
# may be commercialized. If you ask someone money for this you are #
# breaking my terms for reusing this script. #
# #
# Please be aware that this is NOT an official weather forecast. #
# The products created here should not be used in anyway or #
# form to issue any kind of weather alerts as the South-African Weather#
# Service (SAWS) is the only recognized authority in South-Africa #
# allowed to do so. It is not the authors job to argue the law. Instead#
# users are encouraged to use the products for education purposes. #
# The script downloads the data for the current day
# Specify the forecast intervals in the forecast variable
# You can pull a forecast 6 days in advance, that would be 384 hours
today=$(date +"%Y%m%d00")
forecast=(06 12 18 24 30 36 42 48)
# Loop through the specified forecast times wanted and grab GFS data
for i in "${forecast[@]}"
wget $gfs.$today/gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p25.f0$i
# For archive purposes we clip the data to South-Africa with cdo
# and convert GFS files to workable netcdf files
for i in "${forecast[@]}"
cdo -sellonlatbox,-35,85,-85,0 gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p25.f0$i gfs.$today.$i
cdo -f nc copy gfs.$today.$i ncfile$i.nc
# Move clipped GFS files to an archive directory
rm gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p25.f*
mkdir -p "gfs_archive/gfs_$today"
mv gfs.* gfs_archive/gfs_$today
# Extract variables from the NC files for easy use in GMT
for i in "${forecast[@]}"
cdo selname,gh ncfile$i.nc geopotential$i.nc
cdo splitlevel geopotential$i.nc geopotential$i-
mv geopotential$i-050000* zg500$i.nc
rm geopotential$i*
# To plot the files in GMT we need to get the variables from the newly
# created netcdf files by extracting only the variable we want.
for i in "${forecast[@]}"
gmt grdconvert ncfile$i.nc\?prmsl -Gmslp_nrm$i.nc
gmt grdconvert zg500$i.nc\?gh -Gzg500_nrm$i.nc
gmt grdconvert ncfile$i.nc\?tcc -Gcloudcover$i.nc
gmt grdconvert ncfile$i.nc\?cape -Gcape$i.nc
gmt grdconvert ncfile$i.nc\?aptmp -Gaptmp$i.nc
# Do some math
# We standardize the pressure and convert Kelvin to Celsius
for i in "${forecast[@]}"
gmt grdmath mslp_nrm$i.nc 100 DIV = mslp_nrm$i.nc
gmt grdmath zg500_nrm$i.nc 10 DIV = zg500_nrm$i.nc
gmt grdmath cloudcover$i.nc 0 NAN = cloudcover$i.nc
gmt grdmath aptmp$i.nc 273.15 SUB = aptmp$i.nc
# Make CAPE values below 250 NAN
for i in "${forecast[@]}"
for number in {0..200}
gmt grdmath cape$i.nc $number NAN = cape$i.nc
# Plot #
# Coordinates (actually lower left and upper right not E S W N)
# Projection (Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area)
# First a map with Cloudcover, zg500 and mslp
for i in "${forecast[@]}"
gmt psbasemap -R$coord -JA25/-30/$width -Xc -Yc -Ba0 -B+t"Cloud Cover Forecast $(date +"%Y-%m-%d-00:00") + $i Hours" -K > cloud_map$i.ps
gmt makecpt -Cgebco -T1/100/5 -Z -I > cloud.cpt
gmt pscoast -R -JA -Df -N1 -G200 -W -O -K >> cloud_map$i.ps
gmt grdimage -R cloudcover$i.nc -Ccloud.cpt -J -O -Q -K >> cloud_map$i.ps
gmt grdcontour -R -JA -Wthinnest,-- mslp_nrm$i.nc -C2 -A2+f10 -T+lLH -O -K >> cloud_map$i.ps
gmt grdcontour -R -JA -Wthick,black zg500_nrm$i.nc -S150 -C10 -A20+f14 -Gn1 -T+lLH -O -K >> cloud_map$i.ps
gmt psxy ZAF_adm1.gmt -R -JA -O -Wfaint -V -K >> cloud_map$i.ps
gmt psscale -Ccloud.cpt -R -J -Dx12.25c/-1c+w12c/0.5c+jTC+h -Bx10+l"Cloud Cover" -By+l% -O -K >> cloud_map$i.ps
# Make a animation
convert -bordercolor white -border 0 -layers OptimizePlus -density 300 -delay 2x1 cloud*.ps -loop 0 cloud_$(date "+%Y%m%d").gif
convert cloud_$(date "+%Y%m%d").gif -rotate 90 cloud.gif
# Second a map with CAPE, zg500 and mslp
for i in "${forecast[@]}"
gmt psbasemap -R$coord -JA25/-30/$width -Xc -Yc -Ba0 -B+t"CAPE Forecast $(date +"%Y-%m-%d-00:00") + $i Hours" -K > cape_map$i.ps
gmt makecpt -Chot -T250/2000/50 -Z -I > cape.cpt
gmt pscoast -R -JA -Df -N1 -G200 -W -O -K >> cape_map$i.ps
gmt grdimage -R cape$i.nc -Ccape.cpt -J -O -Q -K >> cape_map$i.ps
gmt grdcontour -R -JA -Wthinnest,-- mslp_nrm$i.nc -C2 -A2+f10 -T+lLH -O -K >> cape_map$i.ps
gmt grdcontour -R -JA -Wthick,black zg500_nrm$i.nc -S150 -C10 -A20+f14 -Gn1 -T+lLH -O -K >> cape_map$i.ps
gmt psxy ZAF_adm1.gmt -R -JA -O -Wfaint -V -K >> cape_map$i.ps
gmt psscale -Ccape.cpt -R -J -Dx12.25c/-1c+w12c/0.5c+jTC+h -Bx150+l"CAPE J/Kg" -By+lJ/kg -O -K >> cape_map$i.ps
# Make a animation
convert -bordercolor white -border 0 -layers OptimizePlus -density 300 -delay 2x1 cape*.ps -loop 0 cape_$(date "+%Y%m%d").gif
convert cape_$(date "+%Y%m%d").gif -rotate 90 cape.gif
# Third a map with temperature, zg500 and mslp
for i in "${forecast[@]}"
gmt psbasemap -R$coord -JA25/-30/$width -Xc -Yc -Ba0 -B+t"Apparent Temperature $(date +"%Y-%m-%d-00:00") + $i Hours" -K > aptmp_map$i.ps
gmt makecpt -Cjet -T-8/43/1 -Z > aptmp.cpt
gmt grdimage -R aptmp$i.nc -Captmp.cpt -J -O -Q -K >> aptmp_map$i.ps
gmt pscoast -R -JA -Df -N1 -W -O -K >> aptmp_map$i.ps
gmt grdcontour -R -JA -Wthinnest,-- mslp_nrm$i.nc -C2 -A2+f10 -T+lLH -O -K >> aptmp_map$i.ps
gmt grdcontour -R -JA -Wthick,black zg500_nrm$i.nc -S150 -C10 -A20+f14 -Gn1 -T+lLH -O -K >> aptmp_map$i.ps
gmt psxy ZAF_adm1.gmt -R -JA -O -Wfaint -V -K >> aptmp_map$i.ps
gmt psscale -Captmp.cpt -R -J -Dx12.25c/-1c+w12c/0.5c+jTC+h -Bx5+l"Temperature" -By+lCelcuis -O -K >> aptmp_map$i.ps
# Make a animation
convert -bordercolor white -border 0 -layers OptimizePlus -density 300 -delay 2x1 aptmp*.ps -loop 0 aptmp_$(date "+%Y%m%d").gif
convert aptmp_$(date "+%Y%m%d").gif -rotate 90 aptmp.gif
# Last map zg500 and mslp
for i in "${forecast[@]}"
gmt psbasemap -R$coord -JA25/-30/$width -Xc -Yc -Ba0 -B+t"Synoptic Weather Map $(date +"%Y-%m-%d-00:00") + $i Hours" -K > synoptic$i.ps
gmt pscoast -R -JA -Df -N1 -G200 -W -O -K >> synoptic$i.ps
gmt grdcontour -R -JA -Wthinnest,-- mslp_nrm$i.nc -C2 -A2+f10 -T+lLH -O -K >> synoptic$i.ps
gmt grdcontour -R -JA -Wthick,black zg500_nrm$i.nc -S150 -C10 -A20+f14 -Gn1 -T+lLH -O -K >> synoptic$i.ps
gmt psxy ZAF_adm1.gmt -R -JA -O -Wfaint -V -K >> synoptic$i.ps
# Make a animation
convert -bordercolor white -border 0 -layers OptimizePlus -density 300 -delay 2x1 synoptic*.ps -loop 0 synoptic_$(date "+%Y%m%d").gif
convert synoptic_$(date "+%Y%m%d").gif -rotate 90 synoptic.gif
# Move eps and gif
mkdir -p "ps/$today"
mkdir -p "gif/$today"
mv *ps ps/$today
rm *$(date "+%Y%m%d").gif
mv *gif gif/$today
# The data is quite big, because the netcdf files are a product of the
# gfs files you can remove all netcdf files and compress the gfs
# file for archive purposes.
rm *.nc
exit 0